Plane Truth Fellowship
Plane Truth Fellowship

Welcome to Plane Truth Fellowship

Connect with fellow readers of the book Use Your Mind and Prosper and other like-minded individuals.

Why Plane Truth Fellowship?

We bring together individuals seeking inspiration and personal growth to explore new ideas and perspectives through our community-wide book club, so that we can deepen our understanding and foster a sense of connection among like-minded readers.

Unlock Your True Potential

Get Your FREE Pre-release Copy! Discover the transformative power of your mind with "Use Your Mind and Prosper". This book written by popular 1960's entertainer, Norm Alexander, offers practical strategies to boost confidence, achieve goals, and foster a prosperity mindset. Unleash your potential with this FREE download, joining a vibrant community of like-minded individuals. Embrace the UYMAP philosophy and transform your life!

When You Join Today

When you join Plane Truth Fellowship today, you’ll get access to our:

  • Interactive Book Study: Dive deep into the current book selection by participating in a course that includes video presentations, guided discussions and a breakdown of each chapter to enrich understanding. This encourages deeper learning and reinforces one's grasp of key concepts.
  • Live Q&A Sessions with Authors: Get unique insights straight from the source by attending live video chats with renowned authors. These interactive sessions allow members to directly engage with the minds behind the writings, promoting a more profound understanding and fostering a personal connection to the material.
  • Interactive Reading Group Events: Join fellow community members in scheduled reading group events. Discuss shared interpretations, explore different perspectives, and even collectively predict the storyline's development. These events foster camaraderie among readers and encourages the sharing of ideas.